Corbin Alexander Andrew

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Corbin Rides the School Bus...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Day in Kaikoura & An Update on Me....

We spent a day in Kaikoura over Queens Birthday weekend and oh what fun we had. I was having a great time feeding all of the sea gulls and playing with the stones on the beach. Then, I went for a big walk in my backpack to see the seal colony. I was having a blast until about 45 minutes into the walk, I decided I really needed to have a poo and get very tired all at the same time. So for the 45 minute trek back, I had a bit of a cry and wanted out of my pack. Mom and Dad had to take turns carrying me the whole way back. Yikes! We did have a big seal show up right next to us while we stopped for a break. We didn't even know he was there until Mom heard a strange sound and spotted him. You can see him in the background of one of the pictures below of me with my Daddy.

In other news, I'm starting to pull myself up on just about everything now. I'm getting into all kinds of new things, makes things a little more challenging for mom. I'm a good sleeper again. I had a couple weeks of night wakings, but I'm over it now. I have two teefs and one more on the way very soon. I'm a very good boy, love to play toys and go out for walks. The library is one of my favorite places to be right now and mom takes me often. Over the weekend, I'm still very much into the cafe scene. They know me at the local coffee shop, I'll have one nice yummy warm fluffy with a marshmallow (no jelly beans) on the side please. I'll sit at the table like a big boy with my mom and dad having my fluffy and munching on a snack of dry cheerios cereal and raisins, good fun! We have some exciting times ahead because our house is almost done being built. It will be done July 31st and we are all looking forward to getting out and busy on the land.

Till next time...

Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm movin' now & I'll knocka down your tower....

Yeah!!! He finally moves forward. Double click the play button to watch me.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Do I really have to get a haircut?

Well, I guess so cuz mom and dad took me to this strange lady who sprayed me with water and then played with scissors in my hair. Believe me when I tell you, I was not very impressed with this haircut thing. They can keep their lolly, I'd much rather them leave my hair alone. Although... I have to admit I do look like a gorgeous, gorgeous little man with my new stylish doo...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Corbin...

Can you believe I am already a big 1 year old. I had a great 1st birthday with my family. I had lots of balloons, prezzies and of course... Birthday Cake! I wasn't quite sure what to think of my birthday cake at first, but once I got my hands on it, it was game on! I had a little cake feast, my mom had to take me outside to clean me up when I was all done.

You may be able to see in one of the birthday pictures above that I also got something else special just in time for my first birthday, MY FIRST TOOTH! Bottom lower right to be exact. It finally arrived. Mom was much relieved as she was really starting to think that I may never have any teefs!

I'm a very happy boy. I'm a good sleeeper, love to hang out and play with toys, and to go on outings with mom and dad. I'm lots and lots of fun to be with. I'm a very vocal boy at the moment and I'm trying very hard to talk, although it comes out as my own Corbin language. Rolling is still my preferred method of transport, but I love to stand so walking may not be too far off.

That's about all for now.... till next time.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

10 Months Old, Little Man About Town...

Wow, it has been a while since we last posted an update! I've been up to so much lately. First off, I had a super fantastic holiday in Alexandra at Christmas time. I adjusted to my new surroundings without any problems. I had such a good time meeting friends and family, I became a bit of a social butterfly! I also enjoyed trying all kinds of new foods... especially the custard Grandma and Grandad let me have on Christmas day. While we were in Alex, we went on lots of walks. I was loving sitting in my pack with daddy, so much so that I even fell asleep in it on one of our long walks by the river. I discovered my love of the cafe scene while visiting Alex, the day would just not be complete without a nice yummy warm fluffy!

I still have no teefs, but that's not stopping me from eating everything and anything put in front of me. I'm all about trying new things at the moment and there isn't much that I don't like. Some of my favorites are just about any kind of biscuit, waffles and rice cakes. I'll swipe them right out of your hand quicker than you can blink an eye. My current method of transportation is wiggling and rolling across the floor. I haven't quite figured out yet that my legs can be pretty useful in getting me around, but I'm sure I'll figure that one out soon enough.

Here are some pictures of me out and about with my Mom and Dad...

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Double click the play button to make me giggle.

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